Ana Batrićević, Jelena želeskov Đorić, Boban Petrović, Branislava Knežić

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Probation and parole are intended as alternatives to incarceration for eligible offenders. In various European jurisdictions research studies indicated the importance of the offenders’ perspective in supervision; however, the contribution of this factor is still unclear and underexplored. In the present study, we explored the offenders’ experience of the supervision process, based upon the experience of 22 convicts. To understand the offenders’ experience, we used the newly constructed tool, Eurobarometer, which measures eight core domains of offender supervision. The pilot study was conducted in Belgrade and was a part of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology initiative (COST) which was implemented in eight European jurisdictions. Results confirmed that the offenders’ perception of supervision can be significant in various domains of offenders’ life and that Eurobarometer can be significant in capturing that experience.


offenders, supervision, probation, criminal justice, alternative sanctions

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