Vanja Pavluković, Bojana Nikić, Uglješa Stankov

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Cycling tourism is an important and growing niche tourism market in Europe. It can contribute to the sustainable development and branding of the tourist destination, the preservation of natural and cultural heritage, the development of other forms of tourism, the creation of the tourist offers and active inclusion of the local community in development of tourism. Cycling tourism is recognized in the strategic documents of the Republic of Serbia as one of the key tourist products that should be developed in the selected tourist destinations. As local community has an important role in tourism development, in this paper, TIAS scale (Tourism Impact Attitude Scale) was used to examine the local residents’ attitudes towards cycling tourism in the selected municipalities in the Upper Danube region through which Danube cycle route passes. It is the longest cycling corridor in Serbia, rich in natural and cultural heritage elements along its course, which is also part of one of the most popular European cycling routes, the EuroVelo 6. In addition, the effects of certain demographic variables on the residents’ attitudes were examined. The results of the research indicate that cycling tourism is in the initial phase of tourism development in the studied area, and that local residents are aware of its possible positive impacts, therefore providing support for cycling tourism development. The results will be most valuable in assisting local governments, destination management organizations, tourism policy creators and tourism practitioners to understand the local residents’ attitudes towards cycling tourism and to formulate strategies to effectively manage sustainable tourism development.


cycling tourism, Danube cycle route, local residents, TIAS

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME181014062P


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