Nadežda Ljubojev, Marijana Dukić Mijatović

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This paper analyzes the right of a database manufacturer which is the exclusive right that authorizes its holder to prohibit or permit another to use a particular database, i.e. the collection of regulated and systematized data, copyright works or other materials that are available electronically or otherwise. However, the database can be a collection in terms of the copyright of the collection, so it also represents the content of the analysis in this paper. The subject of comparative analysis are the provisions of the current regulations in the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia, and determining their compliance with the Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases. The analysis used a historical legal and normative legal method. Based on the analysis, the authors point out that the adopted solutions for the protection of databases in the EU greatly influenced the adoption of the corresponding regulations in the Republic of Serbia, concluding that the regulations governing this area in the Republic of Serbia are almost completely aligned with the EU regulations.


related law, database, comparative overview, Croatian law, collection, Serbia

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME181026023L


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