Karolina Robert Perčić, Lazar Jugoslav Vukadinović

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Reading habits can be described as continuous lifelong need for gaining new knowledge, and are perceived by individuals as both a necessity as well as a source of satisfaction. The reading habits are the subject of this paper, from the perspective of the students themselves as well as to their frequencies of reading books, newspapers, magazines, and the innovations in the reading process (the use of electronic vs. printed formats). The main reason for the stance that reading is both, a necessity and a source of satisfaction can be found in the fact that reading enables enhancement of personal development, as well as the advancement of the society as a whole. After presenting the results of the secondary research, the results of the empirical research conducted during the months of May and June 2018 will be presented, in particularly as to the descriptive and comparative statistics on the reading habits amongst university students in the Republic of Serbia.


reading habits, reading, university students, books, Serbia.

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