Svetlana Buišić, Dragan Cvejić, Tamara Pejović

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The focus of our research is to examine different domains of self-image that can affect the physical activity of students and their future interest in it. The aim of the present study was to examine the self-concept in the domain of self-evaluation of Social Acceptance, Athletic Competence and Behavioral Conduct of pupils of the third grade of elementary school and to determine the difference in relation to gender. In completing the questionnaire consisting of three subscales, there were 100 pupils of different sex (54 boys and 46 girls). Based on the results of the average arithmetic mean scores we can conclude that third grade primary school pupils have positive self-assessment in the all three observed domains: Social Acceptance AS = 2,82; Athletic Competence AS = 2,64; Behavioral conduct AS = 2,97, which are important factors interest and participation in Physical Education (PE) and sports. Gender differences (p ≤ 0,01) appear only in the subscale of Behavioral conduct: F(1, 98) = 7,3; p = 0,008; η2 = 0,07. Girls had more self-assessment than boys, which suggests that girls notice that they behave more responsibly in the third grade of primary school. A positive self-image that younger primary school pupils have about themselves is a good prerequisite of an effective physical education class.


self-еvaluation, responsibility, physical activity

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