Dragiša Vučinić, Radovan Antonijević

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Changes in the educational process caused by different social changes require teachers to continue to reassess their role in the educational and teaching processes. According with that, literature increasingly discusses the essence of teachers’ roles, their methods in the teaching process, and as well as the degree of achievement of the professional role of teachers as one of the key factors in the quality education process. Different approaches of the authors, insisting on a clear differentiation of teacher’s roles, different criteria for differentiation, includes a large number of divisions and classifications of teachers’ roles in pedagogical literature. These often include a great number of teaching roles. In this paper, based on the analysis of the different categorisations of teachers’ roles and didactic theories, the emphasis is placed on the essence of the teaching role seen in the context of the processes and work of teachers in the educational process, whose quality is reflected in the degree of student achievement. In this regard, what is pointed out here is the significance of the teacher’s role in planning and preparing classes, motivating students, developing their interest in learning the content, as well as in the realization of quality communication and interaction between teachers and students.


teacher's roles, teaching areas, planning, preparation and the realization of teaching, motivation and interest, communication and interaction

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME181214054V


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