Aleksandar Kostić, Srećko Milačić

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The authors of this paper address the problem of education which in its transformation, when small countries are concerned, means openness towards the uncritical acceptance of Anglo-Saxon educational and cultural norms. Western society, with its economic supremacy and political aspirations, has managed to include contemporaries into the process of transformation, which among other things involves uniformity of education and culture. This enables it to maintain that supremacy. The authors emphasize the difference between internationalization and globalization of education. Special attention is given to the Bologna process in terms of the neoliberal integration strategy which essentially involves the neglect of national identity. They criticize the ongoing commercialization of education and in this sense the marginalization of science in society, which further leads to decadence. Ethical goals are being neglected on account of abstract individualism.


education, the Bologna process, unification, national identity, crisis

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