Саша Дубљанин, Душка Михајловић, Вера Радовић

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Outdoor education is a specific educational form that involves the continuous realization of the teaching and learning process throughout the school year, in a natural environment, where such an environment would be used as an incentive and direct source of knowledge for teaching, as well as a pleasant environment for the psychophysical development of students. The aim of this paper is to look at how outdoor education is determined in Serbia – starting with legal regulations, relevant professional and scientific literature, and through the comparative analysis of existing theory and practices in Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden and Denmark), and to try to identify potential opportunities of improving realization of outdoor education in Serbia. The results show that outdoor education in Serbia is viewed within the meaning of the term schools in nature, where the realization of teaching is outside the place of residence of students and teachers and lasts for 7 to 10 days a year, with no reference to the possibility of realization of outdoor education continuously during the school year. Through the analysis of the Scandinavian model of outdoor education, we note that in Norway, Sweden and Denmark there is a long-standing research tradition of this problematic. As the basic recommendations from the comparative literature review, we emphasize that it is necessary to reconsider the approach of outdoor education at the theoretical level and also to conduct more research in this field, the results of which would help to improve outdoor education at all levels. Also, it is necessary to examine the possibility for the school curriculum to anticipate a more frequent realization of outdoor education throughout the school year, to explore opportunities to offer solutions at the system level and to provide financial and professional support to schools and teachers.


outdoor education, schools in nature, comparative analysis, Serbia, Scandinavian countries.

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