Miodrag Simović, Mile Šikman

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Starting from the fact that heavy forms of crime have a great impact on the society as a whole, states are expected to administrate an adequate response. An apparent precondition for swift response at the appearance of heavy crimes is to gain an accurate and deep understanding of these phenomena. In this regard, authors point out that an approach based on strict separation and isolation between criminal doctrines in dealing with the subject of its study is considered to be outdated, i.e., multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity arise as a necessary approach. The authors suggest that, as knowledge of different sciences is required within the common problem formulation, it is necessary for experts in individual disciplines to work together while retaining their disciplinary approaches and views. This approach is believed to be successful in enabling comprehensive consideration of the problem and leading to its solving. When it comes to heavy forms of crime, it is clear that this type of social problem will not be solved without transdisciplinary cooperation, and there is no dilemma that these criminal phenomena should be viewed and studied with the integration of all knowledge of criminology, criminal – law (material, procedural and executive), as well as forensic science. Overcoming disciplinary restrictions in responding to severe forms of crime through a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches will lead to the improvement of theoretical and practical principles of responding to severe forms of crime. Authors have analyzed the assertion that problems of contemporary society that are too complex for one discipline, that they require the connection of various sciences and scientific disciplines in the entire process of acquiring knowledge about heavy forms of criminality, on the one hand, and its resistance, on the other.


Crime, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Criminology, Transdisciplinary.

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