Nina Polovina

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This paper studies the concept of the individual occurring in personal dating ads published in Serbian and German print and electronic media. The research is based upon existing studies of dominant values, but takes into account the fulfillment of an individual’s expectations vis-à-vis her/his potential partner as well. The values, as abstract categories, represent the basis for the very process of creating an ad by its author, while at the same time they are indicators of the dominant social attitudes. By applying the method of contrastive, content and statistical analysis, culture-based similarities and differences, as well as the typical concepts of men and women have been determined. The results of the study show that there occur, in fact, certain differences in the concept of the individual in Serbian and German ads. These originate from different values and orientations of the two societies. On the other hand, some discrepancies are sex-related.


content analysis, individual, partnership, personal dating ad, print and electronic media.

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