Vesna Rodić Lukić, Mia Marić, Snežana Štrangarić

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This paper aimed to examine the relationship between cultural capital in its three forms (objectified, embodied and institutionalized), the perceptions of students’ self-efficacy and their achievements on the PISA test. The sample consisted of 4843 high school students enrolled in the PISA study in 2009. The results confirmed the existence of the proposed relationships. Self-efficacy and cultural capital significantly contribute to the prediction of student achievements, whereby the embodied cultural capital significantly contributes to the prediction of the perception of self-efficacy. Since the obtained relationships are not of high intensity, it can be concluded that other factors play a significant role in the development of students’ self-efficacy and achievement. Practical implications would relate to activities of encouraging reading habits among students in order to increase the cultural capital and self-efficacy, which will have an effect on their achievement.


cultural capital, scientific literacy, PISA, self-efficacy.

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