Tatjana Ivanović, Sonja Ivančević, Tanja Trajković, Milica Maričić

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Burnout syndrome represents one of the most serious disorders in contemporary work environment. One of the professions that did not receive much attention in the scientific research of burnout is that of recruiters, even though literature shows that recruiters face work-related stress on a daily basis, which can often lead to burnout among this group of employees. The aim of this paper is to attempt to identify whether and to what extent burnout is present among recruiters in Serbia (both in-house recruiters and those employed in recruiting companies and agencies) and to reveal the determinants which influence the possibility of burnout occurrence among this group of workers. The most frequently examined variables affecting burnout in other professions were analyzed: age, work experience, marital status, strict deadlines and work pressure. Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) was used to measure the level of burnout. The results obtained by a quantitative research using questionnaires conducted among 100 recruiters in Serbia have shown that recruiters in Serbia face burnout to an extent (overall burnout, individual, work-related and client-related burnout), while all examined variables (except employee’s age) were found to have statistically significant impact on burnout presence among recruiters. What adds value to this paper is the fact that the amount of burnout studies conducted in Serbia in general is scarce and mostly focused on helping professions. The research has a practical purpose to help companies and human resource departments create appropriate burnout prevention training programmes targeted for recruiters.


burnout, burnout syndrome, recruiter, recruitment, Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, CBI

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