Danijela Sudzilovski, Danijela Vasilijevic

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The quality of initial education, the professional affirmation of beginners, extensive work experience, favourable professional climate, work motivation and continuous professional development are the prerequisites for successful work of today’s teachers. Initial teacher education is the main requirement for ensuring teacher’s professional competence in teaching, however, their professional self-actualization can only be achieved by means of continuous and lifelong development of professional competences, both through individual and institutional professional development. The paper discusses the formal, institutionalised professional development of teachers in the field of music pedagogy through content analysis of accredited programmes for professional development of teachers. Our aim is to analyze the scope of music pedagogy content in accredited programmes for professional development of teachers and identify teacher participation in those programmes. In that regard, the subject of our study are accredited programmes represented in the catalogues of programmes for continuous professional development of teachers, preschool teachers and technical associates, issued by the Institute for the Improvement of Education, as well as in the Professional Development Database of the Centre for Professional Development of Education Professionals. The research is based on the implementation of a descriptive method. The sample comprises 9 official catalogues, published between 2006 and 2018. Research results show that in this period, the total selection of teacher education programmes gradually increased, but the inclusion and participation of teachers in the programmes dedicated to professional development in the field of music pedagogy has been limited.


teacher, music pedagogy, professional development, catalogues, professional development database

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME190415048S


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