Miodrag Milenović, Snežana Živković, Milan Veljković

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Global climate changes have and will have different outcomes which will impact the human population, such as natural disasters, or human-induced, environmental degradation. Solutions to a large number of environmental problems lie in human behavior, and behavior is, by its definition, the subject of the study of psychology. Therefore, in addition to natural changes (such as solar radiation or sea currents), the human factor becomes the object of two-sides study - on the one hand, as a cause of climate changes, and on the other, as the one on which the same changes have their impact (on physical and mental health). Such studies require a complex methodology, interdisciplinarity and, often, significant financial resources. It should be kept in mind that global climate change and its impact cannot be directly perceived, but only through certain indicators, such as, for example, circadian, seasonal or regional temperature variations and their impact on the psycho-physical status of individuals.

Research on the effects of climate change has shown that certain types of individuals may develop different types of mental dysfunctions, as a consequence of those climate changes, like the reduction of emotional balance, anxiety, depression, generalized or specific stress conditions, etc. Although it is not possible to feel the climate change directly, thanks to the previous knowledge it is possible to prepare to those changes, to the extent that the adaptability of the human organism allows it, and to respond adequately to them. These preparations involve knowledge regarding those changes and management of the interaction of man and his environment, whether it is natural or artificial, made by people themselves.


climate changes, environmental psychology, globalization, sustainable development

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