Оливера Павићевић, Љепосава Илијић, Ивана Степановић

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Changes in penal policy which is a part of the neoliberal paradigm have political significance and social consequences within and outside prison communities. The prison population is growing despite the fall and stagnation of the crime rate in developed countries which creates a paradox mirrored in the politics of the neoliberal regulation. It is connected to the “new penology” which unlike the “old” penology sees the prison community as a statistical collective which entails a particular risk for the realization of the set governing goals. Since there is a shift from “hard” to “soft” power within prison communities, this paper discusses the disciplinary effects of this process. It showcases the effects of various projects which have introduced philosophy into prison environments as a way to encourage individual identity growth and inspire the return of practices of rehabilitation as a psychological, moral and social recovery of an individual.


neoliberalism, governance, prisons, philosophy, identity.

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