Biljana Jaredić, Jelena Minić, Tatjana Radojević

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The main objective of this research is to determine how much adolescents prefer certain types of structured free time and unstructured time (leisure time), as well as their connection with risky behavior of adolescents in social crisis. The sample consists of a number of adolescents (N = 287), 116 or 40.4% of male and 171 or 59.6% of female respondents, age from 18 to 24, average age is 20.44 years (AS = 20.44, SD = 2.75) living in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. Leisure and Leisure Assessment Questionnaire (constructed only for research purpose), Risk Behavior Rating Scale (RBRS), Scaar, 2009 were used in this research. The data was processed through descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis and the T-test. Results showed that adolescents mostly prefer internet as an unstructured activity and the least preferred is the theater as the structured one. A negative correlation was obtained between academic success and risky behavior, which indicates that if adolescents achieve better results in academic career, they have less propensity for risky behavior. According to the results, boys are more prone to risky behavior than girls, and risky behavior of adolescents can be predicted with 14% variance (significant predictors are unstructured leisure time and the gender of adolescents). Within our work, our objective is to bring attention to the importance of a structured way of spending leisure time regarding adolescents, with necessary engagement of experts from different areas.


leisure time, social crisis, mental health, intervention

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