Stevan Stevcic

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When considering terrorist acts as those whose modus operandi could be described as a non-selective punctual immediate physical violence with heavy consequences directed against a group of people, we can say that it is a phenomenon encountered by the security apparatus of many contemporary countries. Such modus operandi, characterized by a high level of cruelty and impudency, causing the great number of victims, deterrence and public disturbances, is very closely connected with the acts mentioned. The trend of such acts is on the increase, and they are more often performed as the representative form of terrorism, as the complex form of political violence, as well as other heavy crimes, and set a task for the security offices to find effective mechanisms to confront them. This requires changes along the process of training, organization, and tactics in the Gendarmerie police officers' procedures.


violence, terrorism, training process, procedure, Gendarmerie.

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