Aleksandra Ilić Petković

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The legal framework for occupational safety and health is a key factor in effective policy implementation in this area at the local level. Employees in local self-government units perform tasks of immediate interest for the local population and, because of that, their workplace safety and health is an important issue. Given that there is not much research on the safety and health of employees in local self-government units in the countries of Southeast Europe, there is a need for the analysis of the protection provided by the applicable regulations. The conducted research shows that this category of employees is not specifically recognized either in the regulations on occupational safety and health or in the regulations on local self-government. It is desirable to improve the quality of legal protection which will contribute to the improvement of the workplace safety and health of these employees and will improve the quality of work in local self-governments.


employees, occupational safety and health, local self-government, legal framework, Southeast Europe

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