Igor Trišić

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To determine the state of sustainable tourism development in the protected natural areas of AP Vojvodina, it is important to analyze and correlate certain indicators of sustainable tourism. It is also important to analyze the opinion of visitors according to the selected protected natural areas, from the perspective of experiences and potential suggestions for specific interventions, to improve the state of natural values and improve the area protection. As a final result, it can provide significant benefits for all participants of sustainable tourism development. This paper analyzed and presented the results of visitor responses regarding 5 selected protected natural areas on the territory of AP Vojvodina. These areas represent a significant sample for analysis and the results of the research can influence the overall assessment of the sustainable tourism development of the Province. Using the correlation method of obtained average values of estimated sustainability indicators, the relation of these indicators to sustainable tourism was defined. The results obtained can influence the constitution of proposals for the improvement of the natural values of these areas through the proper implementation of nature protection. By enhancing these natural values, benefits are provided to all participants in sustainable tourism development.


sustainable tourism development, protected natural areas, nature-based tourism, AP Vojvodina, Pearson Correlation.

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