Miroslav Mitrović, Dragan Vasiljević

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Strategic communication is one of the expressions of state power and the instrument for achieving political and the security of national interests. In the context of contemporary conflicts, it is an appearance of hybrid action in the fields of information, the media, the Internet and the wide spectrum of public diplomacy performances. The main goal of strategic communication (SC) is to influence public opinion. In addition, SC strives to move the focus of the public towards cultural values as well as the adjustment of the political system. The main task of strategic communication (SC) is to influence public opinion and its focus on cultural values, the possible adaptation of the political system by "reprogramming" political culture in accordance with the goals set by psychological influence. One of the main channels for influence are social networks. In the paper, we used a multi-criterion analysis to identify the method of prevention pertaining to psychological manipulations in the cyberspace. This paper suggests preventive measures against negative impacts of social networks. In the paper, we used the Analytic Hierarchical Processes for the analysis of hierarchy in the application of preventive measures. Based on the obtained results, we developed and presented the application of preventive measures, to prevent the harmful effects of psychological manipulations in the cyberspace.


strategic communication, hybrid warfare, Internet social networks, psychological manipulation, cyberspace.

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