Zorica Vladimir Cvetanović, Ivana Perica Stojkov, Sanja Radenko Blagdanić

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The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes of teachers and the parents of students (grades 2-4) and the influence of the students' social interactions on literacy. The sample included 56 teachers and the parents of 271 students. Respondents answered the questions posed in a questionnaire based on a five-point scale, with one category representing a negative attitude and the other categories corresponding to a neutral or positive attitude about the importance of social interactions that influence literacy. The results show that teachers' and parents' attitudes are positive on average and that teachers and parents find schools and communication with family members to be the most influential form of social interaction. The interpretation of the results shows a difference in the teachers' and parents' attitudes regarding two kinds of social interaction. Teachers, unlike parents, believe that communication with peers and Internet communication significantly influence literacy.


informal literacy, formal literacy, social interaction, teachers' attitudes, parents' attitudes.

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