Bojana Jovan Drljan, Mile Vuković, Sanja Dragaš Latas, Aleksandar Mihajlović

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Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the level of perceived social support in people with mild to moderate form of dementia in residential care settings. Also, aim of this study was to investigate the level of perceived social support from different sources in social surrounding of people with dementia.

Method: Sample consisted of 29 participants diagnosed with mild to moderate form of dementia. The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) was used for the purpose of evaluating the level of perceived social support.

Results: Participants rated perceived social support fairly high. There were no significant differences in social support regarding to gender and education. Further, participants stated that they have significantly more social support from family, comparing to friends and other significant persons.

Conclusion: These findings are an important start of research addressing the quality of life in people with dementia, with the aim of improving the existing social support mechanisms in Serbia.


perceived social support, dementia, residential care, Serbia

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