Anđela Đukanović

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The right to higher education, as a segment of the more general right to education, is relatively neglected in the literature dealing with the international protection of human rights. Various trends in higher education can negatively affect the realization of this segment of education. Above all, the mass commercialization of higher education, the uncritical use of digital technologies, and the generally reduced participation of the state in this type of education, which is a public good, can significantly affect the exercise of this right. Given the current problems, it is necessary to examine whether the right to higher education in the adopted international documents includes only equal access to higher education. More precisely, whether this right includes some basic requirements regarding the quality of higher education, as well as whether the states have any obligations regarding its financing. Formulations used in human rights instruments are vague. The practice on this issue is insufficient, probably due to inadequate promotion of this segment of the right to education because of the fear that obligations that are unattainable for the states could be gradually formed.


higher education, human rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, free education, capacity

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