Gordana Dobrijević, Slavko Alčaković

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The aims of this study are to: (a) identify the most frequently used conflict management style; (b) determine the level of cohesion; and (c) examine the relationship between conflict and cohesion in interactive sports teams. The study was conducted on a sample of 205 professional sports players from interactive sports teams from Serbia (basketball, handball, water polo, volleyball, and football teams). The data was collected through the Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory – II (ROCII – II) and the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ). In relation to all of the sports considered, the findings revealed high levels of all four dimensions of cohesion (Group Integration – Task, Group Integration – Social, Individual Attractions to the Group – Task, and Individual Attractions to the Group – Social). The study has shown a positive correlation between cohesion and the collaborative conflict management style, and a negative correlation between cohesion and the competing style. Cooperation proved to be the most frequently used conflict management style, and competing proved the least frequently used style in interactive sports teams.


conflict, cohesion, sports teams, interactive sports, interdependence

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