Miljana Pavićević, Tijana Živković

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The aim of the research was to determine the predictive power of social resources and social strategies in predicting depression, anxiety and stress. The sample consisted of 255 respondents (105 males and 150 females) aged 18 to 46, average age AS = 28.91, SD = 6.54. The instruments used in the research are: Social Resources Scale, Social Strategies Scale and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. The results of the descriptive analysis show that the most pronounced social resources are leadership and reliable support, and the most pronounced social strategies are the expectation of success, management and seeking social support. Respondents show low levels of de­pression, anxiety and stress. The results of the regression analysis show that social re­sources such as attachment, social interaction and affirmation of self-worth reduce the possibility of depressive and anxiety symptoms and stress, and reduced management and care for others the occurrence of stress. The application of avoidant and passive social strategies, as well as the absence of social support, will lead to depression, anxiety and stress. It can be concluded that social resources and social strategies play a significant role in protecting mental health during the coronavirus pandemic


Social resources, strategies, depression, anxiety, stress

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