Сандра Милановић, Миљана Талић, Милица Јовановић Вујатовић

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Social entrepreneurs are characterized by a high level of moral responsibility and entrepreneurial intentions, which encourage them to create entrepreneurial ventures that alleviate social problems. This paper aims to examine whether personality traits: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness (according to the Big five model) influence social entrepreneurial intentions (SEI). The data was collected among students of economics at the University of Niš during the Covid-19 pandemic that makes the context of the research and the obtained data untypical. Multiple linear regression analysis was applied to assess the influence of personality traits on SEI, whereas socio-demographic characteristics were observed also as pre­dictors of SEI. The results indicate that extroversion, conscientiousness and neuroti­cism have a positive and statistically significant influence on SEI, while agreeableness and openness do not have statistically significant influence on SEI. Therefore, the re­search has twofold contributions: theoretical contribution is reflected in filling the gap in the literature on drives of SEI in extraordinary circumstances; and practical impli­cations of the paper direct career counsellors and educators toward identification and guidance of students with specific personality traits for a social entrepreneur to ac­quire entrepreneurial competencies necessary for business management and conse­quently solving social problems.


personality traits, Big Five, social entrepreneurial intentions, students, Covid-19 pandemic.

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