Milica Kolaković Bojović, Ana Batrićević

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Triggered by the proactive approach of Serbian Penal Administration and its decision to, supported by the German NGO Help e.V, procure the ICT equipment to substitute in-person family visits and ensure regular communication during the lockdown, the authors decided to assesstheimpact of this pilot project on the right of the children in correctional institutions to communicate with their family members within the scope of the restrictions ordered to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The authors also explored the attitudes of children in those correctional institutions and of the professionals working with them to get additional perspectives. The results showed that this measure significantly contributed to preserving contacts and family relations in the changed environment, although it cannot completely replace family visits and direct contact. Furthermore, the results of the research showed that the lack of IT literacy, but also thedifficult financial and social context of the families of the origin of the children in correctional institutions, remain a significant obstacle for bridging the gap in family connections caused by COVID-19. Finally, the research showed that there is a need to procure more equipment and to increase thefrequency of calls and the time available for communication with the family for all users.


juveniles in correctional institutions, the right to communicate, COVID-19 and modern technologies, child friendly justice and COVID-19

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© University of Niš, Serbia
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Print ISSN: 0353-7919
Online ISSN: 1820-7804