Marija Zotović, Snežana Ukropina, Vesna Mijatović-Jovanović, Sanja Harhaji

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The research presented in this paper is among the first attempts to research burnout at work in healthcare workers (HCWs) in Serbia during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is designed to examine the level, correlates and predictors of burnout in healthcare professionals of three healthcare institutions in Novi Sad, Serbia, during September 2020. The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, work burnout scale (CBI-WB) was applied, and a questionnaire designed for research purposes to collect basic demographic data, information on the work environment and on the perception of working conditions, as well as on job satisfaction. The sample includes 133 respondents, 28 males and 105 females, aged 21 to 65. The obtained value on the CBI scale shows that on average subjects had a moderate to high degree of burnout symptoms; and 52.6% can be placed in category with a high level of burnout. Significantly higher values of burnout were registered in the employees in the Clinical Center of Vojvodina than in those in the Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina. Within the final model, which explained 57% of the variance of the criteria and which was statistically significant, predictors of a smaller number of symptoms of work related burnout were higher job satisfaction (β = -.503, p <.001) and less stress response (β = .353, p <.001), which led us to the conclusion that the level of burnout can be lowered by improving working conditions and atmosphere in teams, and by raising overall job satisfaction.


burnout, healthcare workers, COVID-19

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME210830075Z


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