Aleksandra Đurić-Zdravković, Mirjana Japundža-Milisavljević, Ana Roknić

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The paper presents a study that aims to determine the relation between social competence, antisocial behavior and the severity of ADHD symptoms in older primary school students before beginning and after the end of online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research sample included 52 students with ADHD of fifth, sixth and seventh grade. The School Social Behavior Scale – Second Edition was used to assess social competence and antisocial behavior, while ADHD-related symptoms were assessed by the teacher and parental form of the Conners ADHD Index Rating Scales – Third edition. The results show that peer relations, self-management and the quality of social competence as a whole were statistically significantly worse after conducting online classes than before they started. Students with ADHD showed a significant worsening of all examined forms of antisocial behavior after online classes. Mediation analysis found that antisocial behavior before online classes does not mediate the relation between results of social competence and the severity of ADHD symptoms [β = 1.01, % 95 CI (−0.0034, 1.9989)]. After online classes, it was found that antisocial behavior played a mediating role mentioned relation [β = 1.42, % 95 CI (0.6124, 2.5768)].


social competence, antisocial behavior, online classes, ADHD, COVID-19

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