Dalibor Petrović, Kristina Pejković, Nemanja Krstić

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This paper demonstrates how Glaser and Strauss's procedural guidelines on awareness contexts can be utilised to study interactions in online deviant communities. This is, to our knowledge, the first time their awareness context paradigm has been used to examine the interactions of online communities of deviants. The research is based on a qualitative content analysis of Cannibal Café members’ discussions. By analysing the relationship between the Cannibal Café members’ identities, their awareness, and their interactions, our study has shown that the open awareness context, which is one of the four awareness contexts identified by Glaser and Strauss, was dominant within this online community of cannibals. However, although most of the interaction unfolded under the awareness context, this context actually coexisted with the suspicion context. One context did not transform into another: they simply coexisted, but the open awareness context prevailed, which proved crucial for the unconstrained expression of deviance.


awareness contexts, online interaction, online deviant community, cannibalism

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