Gordana Stepić

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The aim of this research is to consider the differences in aspiring early childhood teachers’ self-perception of their competence in the integration of digital technologies into early childhood educational practice, before and after the realization of the teaching process, and before and after passing the exam for the elective course titled “An early childhood teacher in a digital environment”. The research sample consisted of thirty-five third-year students of the Preschool Teacher Training and Business Informatics College of Applied Studies - Sirmium, who took and passed the exam in the elective subject “An early childhood teacher in a digital environment”. The results of the study show that aspiring early childhood teachers assess their competence for the integration of digital technologies into early childhood educational practice more positively after attending classes and taking the exam in the course “An early childhood teacher in a digital environment”. Future early childhood teachers feel more competent in applying digital technologies to all four areas of early childhood teachers’ work: direct work with children, real program development, professional development and professional public action.


digital technologies, aspiring early childhood teachers’ self-perception of competence, optional course, preschool education program, early childhood educational practice

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