Milica Čolović, Vladimir Mitić

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The main goal of this research is to determine to what degree people engaged in physical activity are actually satisfied with their physical appearance. The goal is also to investigate whether there are differences in the examined variables, concerning different demographic characteristics such as gender, age, education and income. The research was conducted online, using a Google questionnaire. The sample consists of 585 respondents. Data was processed in the SPSS programme. Due to the fact that the distribution of scores on the registered variables deviates statistically significantly from the norm, non-parametric techniques were applied. The results show that people who are most satisfied with their physical appearance are also the most physically active and committed to doing more intensive work on their body and appearance (ρ=0.473; p<0.01). Women (U=24470.500; p<0.05), people with higher incomes (X2=8.102; p<0.05), and younger people (X2=20.533; p<0.01) are the most physically active and committed to their physical appearance, while there are no statistically significant differences in scores when it comes to physical activity and commitment to physical appearance (p>0.05) between groups of people with different levels of education. The implications of this research lie in the identification of the part of the population which is not physically active enough, which may provide the state and its agencies the opportunity to more actively promote various types and aspects of physical activity, in order to raise awareness about importance of physical activity and the benefits it generally provides.


physical activity, satisfaction with physical appearance, commitment to physical appearance, basic demographic variables

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