Aleksandar Pajkić, Ivana Milanović, Snežana Radisavljević-Janić

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The term ‘physical literacy’ (PL) is generally understood as an individual’s ability to lead a physically active lifestyle. Although various forms of physical activity (physical education, sport, recreation, activities of daily living) have the potential to develop children’s PL, many authors believe that the education system plays a crucial role, and physical education in particular has been identified as one of the most suitable environments for its development. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of the concept of PL, with a focus on defining and assessing PL within educational systems worldwide, that is, within physical education classes worldwide. Through a literature review undergone using an inductive approach, the most common and significant studies on PL published in peer-reviewed journals were analysed. Three areas important for a better understanding of PL in the context of physical education were identified and analysed: the definition of PL, various PL models, and existing tools for assessing PL. Regarding these areas, it can be concluded that there is no universally accepted model or instrument for assessing PL because of different cultures and systems, that is, the specifics of a certain region. In order to better understand these areas in the context of physical education, it is suggested that researchers provide a framework that contains clear and concise information, along with specific examples that would enable teachers to effectively work within the school.


physical education, assessment tools, students, components, teachers

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