Miroslava Gligorić

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This paper analyses the attitudes of European socio-political elites towards migration, with a particular focus on their views on current migration movements that are partly common and partly divergent, depending on the interests that guide them and their societies. Regarding the attitudes of socio-political elites towards the migrant issue, it is observed that the creators of European policies mainly advocate for the ‘externalisation’ of control over the migration issue, primarily involving the relocation of migrant rights outside the EU borders and disregarding their human rights. There is also a noticeable trend of informal deviation from the principles of human rights and freedoms associated with the migration problem, approaching the perspectives of the so-called Visegrád Group, while fundamentally remaining on liberal positions in this domain. The subject of this paper is the relationship between European socio-political elites and current migrations, and the methods applied in the paper include scientific-descriptive, comparative, and content analysis. The aim of the paper is to analyse the most dominant attitudes and indicate the consequences of specific decisions made by individual European socio-political elites regarding migration.


socio-political elites, migration, Europe, EU, migration policy

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