Marija Radosavljević, Biljana Đorđević

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The quality of interpersonal relations in all aspects of human functioning is essentially determined by the level of emotional intelligence of the subjects involved in these relations. Since labour systems are also social systems, it is very important that employees constituting them have developed emotional intelligence, because there is almost no activity in the company which does not require cooperation and communication with other people. If employees, and especially managers, do not possess emotional intelligence, such situation may cause many problems and conflicts for whose resolving the organisational resources are unproductively spend. Bearing in mind the importance of emotional intelligence for successful functioning of the labour systems, the aim of this paper is to draw attention to the key components of this concept and the benefits that the emotional intelligence of employees can generate in daily functioning of the companies. The paper also presents the results of the empirical research conducted in the companies in the Republic of Serbia, which confirmed existence of a high level of corelation between the elements of emotional intelligence as well as that there is statisticaly significant influence of emotional intelligence of the employees on their performances assessed by their superiors.


emotional intelligence, employees, company, performances.

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