Živorad M Marković, Vesna Trifunović, Goran Šekeljić

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The topic of this study was the research of the connection between the active participation of primary school students in school sport clubs and their relation towards school violence. The goal of this study was to determine the level of connection between the participation of students in school clubs, their exposure to violence in school and reaction to violence. In this study we start from the supposition that the participation of primary school students in school sport clubs is predominantly connected with the diminishing of their exposure to the violence in school and their readiness to help students who suffer from violence. In this research we applied the descriptive-analytical method and survey as research techniques. The research was realized in the first term of 2015/2016 school year and it included 236 students in the seventh and eighth grade of primary school “Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj” in Svilajnac. In this work, a special instrument was applied prepared only for this research -the survey about the connection of school sport clubs and violence at school. In the quantitative analysis of the data the following was applied: the percentage expression of frequencies and Pearson’s hi-square test (χ2) for testing the hypothesis about the significance of the differences. The main results of this research showed that most non-sport students have no affirmative attitude towards inclusion school sport clubs, (b) students who are involved in school sport activities are less exposed to violence in school and they are more ready to help those students who are more exposed to violence.


primary school, students, school sport clubs, school violence.

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