Оливера Ђокић, Маријана Зељић

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This research is a pedagogical study of theoretical frameworks of development of students’ geometrical thinking in various forms, particularly students’ geometric reasoning in teaching geometry: 1) model of van Hieles’ levels of understanding of geometry, 2) theory of figural concepts of Fischbein and 3) paradigms of Houdement-Kuzniak development of geometrical thinking. The aim of our research was to analyze the three theoretical framework and explain the reasons for their choice and expose them in terms of finding opportunities to permeate and connect them into one complete theory. The study used a descriptive-analytical and analytical-critical method of theoretical analysis. The results show that from each of the three theoretical frameworks we can clearly notice and distinguish geometric objects, as the students do not see them. They see them blended and structured in a series of procedures, and for that very reason we can say that they are poorly linked. We also opened questions for further research of geometric object as an important element for content domain geometry within mathematics curriculum.


geometry, model of van Hiele, theory of Fischbein, paradigms of Houdement˗Kuzniak, geometric object.

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