Ања Митић, Ивана Петровић, Вељко Ђурић

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The subject of the paper was to examine the effect of conspicuous consumption on the perception and attitudes of young people in Novi Sad and Niš (Serbia). The paper presents the results of the experimental empirical research, aimed to investigate the role of this phenomenon in social interaction and the perception of youth. Experiment has been preceded by extensive non-experimental study with the aim to investigate the attitude of youth towards luxury goods, especially clothes. The experiment tested whether and how logos of expensive brands on the clothes affect the perception of the person wearing them. The results confirmed the existence of significant differences in thirteen of the fifteen selected features. The aim was to indicate the presence and role of conspicuous consumption in the contemporary context, as well as to point out its influence in the social interaction and perception of young people.



conspicuous consumption, luxury goods, social perception, youth

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