Јелена Минић

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The paper is salutogenic oriented, based on the salutogenic approach to health, i.e. on the salutogenesis and the feeling of coherence, as an important resource in the developmental crisis, which affects the health preservation and movement of the individual toward the positive pole of the health-illness continuum. The conducted research aimed to determine the connection between the sense of family coherence in adolescents and and family sense of coherence in their parents. In the family sense of coherence the emphasis is on the family as a system, on perceiving the family as a comprehensible, manageable and meaningful system. The research tasks were: to determine the intensity and structure of family sense of coherence among adolescents and their parents, and at the family; to determine the average values on the Family Sense of Coherence among Adolescents and Parents; to determine the differences in the degree of congruence between the sense of family coherence among adolescents and their parents in relation to some socio-demographic variables (adolescents' gender, age and place of residence).

The study sample consisted of adolescents of both genders, of 15 to 24 years old (n = 360;) and their parents (n = 720), the place of residence being Kosovo and Metohija and Central Serbia. The survey used: the Socio-Demographic Questionnaire for Obtaining Basic Data (constructed for the purposes of research) and the Family Sense of Coherence Scale (Antonovsky & Sourani, 1988).

The results show that the average value of the family sense of coherence (in whole and by its components) in adolescents, parents and at the family level are closer to the theoretical maximum. The obtained data also showed that there was a high positive correlation between the sense of family coherence of fathers and mothers, but no statistically significant correlation between the sense of family coherence in adolescents and sense of family coherence of fathers and mothers. The results show that there are no statistically significant differences in the degree of congruence between the family senses of coherence among adolescents and their parents in relation to: gender, age and place of residence.


family sense of coherence, adolescents, parents, family.

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