Миросава Ђуришић Бојановић

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The main topic of the paper is identification of the psychological mechanisms which explain dynamic capabilities of the firm. In the paper, conceptualization of the construct of dynamic capabilities as a central concept of the firms which create knowledge, is analyzed and discussed. The purpose of analysis was: (1) to identify the critical contributions of the traditional aproaches to new concepts of the knowledge-based organizations and knowledge-creating firm, (2) to identify the psychological mechanisms of the dynamic capabilities of the organizations, (3) to identify deeper psychological structure which supports dynamic capabilities of the firm. By theoretical and empirical argumentation in the paper, hypothesis that organizational strategic and cognitive flexibility represent basic psychological mechanisms which connect individual and organizational knowledge, routine and inovations are elaborated. Some practical implications of the results of the presented analysis are discussed.


the knowledge – creating firm, dynamic capabilities, organizational flexibility, cognitive flexibility, innovation.

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