Слободан Ћопић, Сања Ћопић

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In the context of the current migration crisis, in the public discourse and media reporting, different terms are used interchangeably to denote persons who are coming to Serbia from the states and the regions which "produce refugees": irregular migrants, immigrants, migrants, refugees, asylum seekers. The paper aims at providing distinctions between core terms: migrant, refugee and asylum seeker and to point out that, although it is not easy to draw demarcation line between these terms, they do not have the same meaning. These terms define essentially different (legal) status, which determines the treatment of these categories of people, the corpus of rights they are entitled to according to the regulations of the international law and national legislations, as well as the responsibilities and obligations of the states on whose territory they reside or transit. Additionally, the paper aims at analysing in which way legal status of these categories of migrants is regulated in Serbia, in order to notice if it is in compliance with the international standards and if it provides appropriate legal basis for the treatment and protection of the mentioned categories.


migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, legal status, Serbia.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME1701001C


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