Vladimir Mihić, Ksenia Šimoković, Andrea Kapetan, Gordana Bojović

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The idea of ambivalence in gender prejudice, as one of the modern forms of prejudice, has been in the spotlight of social psychologists for the last two decades, sometimes even more than most of the well-explored, traditional forms of prejudice such as ethnic or race prejudices. The central problem of this paper is the level of ambivalent gender prejudice toward men and women in students, as well as what the relation of attitudes towards gender roles is, as well as some other variables, and the level of gender prejudice. For research purposes, several scales were applied: Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI), the Ambivalence toward Men Inventory (AMI), and Attitudes towards Gender Roles scale (ATGR). The sample consisted of 715 students of 34 faculties of the Universities in Novi Sad and Belgrade, as well as students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies and Military Academy in Belgrade. The results show that gender prejudices (although there are smaller differences with respect to the type of prejudice) are most strongly predicted by the attitudes towards gender roles, the respondents’ gender and the type of faculty (almost consistently students of social and human sciences expressed less prejudices). Also, the most prominent were the benevolent prejudices toward women, confirming that in our culture, this kind of behaviour is still not considered as a problematic treatment of the opposite (but also own) gender.


ambivalent gender prejudice, attitudes towards gender roles, benevolent prejudice, sexism.

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