Слободанка Цветковић

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The study explored the differences between the primary school teachers and university teachers using the Cloninger’s seven-dimensional model of personality. The research was conducted on a sample of 146 examinees: primary school teachers (73) and university teachers (73). The TCI Inventory (Cloninger et al., 1994) has been used. The results show that there is difference between the primary school teachers and university teachers in the following personality dimensions: RD (Reward dependence) i.e. sub dimension RD1 (Sentimentality), SD (Self-Directedness), i.e. sub dimensions SD1 (Responsibility vs. Blaming) and SD3 (Resourcefulness vs. Inertia) & P (Persistence). Also there is a difference between males and females in the following dimensions: NS (Novelty seeking), i.e. NS 3 (Extravagance), RD (Reward dependence), i.e. RD1 (Sentimentality) and RD3 (Attachment) & P (Persistence). And finally the difference between the teachers with different working experience in relation to SD5 (Congruent Second Nature vs. Incongruent Habits) & C5 (Principles vs. Self-advantage) is confirmed. The results have its practical implications for better understanding the teachers’ personality that is important for achieving their professional success.


personality dimensions, primary school/university teachers, Cloninger’s seven-dimensional model of personality, temperament, character

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