Зорица Цветановић, Буба Стојановић, Данијела Мишић

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Text, both literary and non-literary, is a valuable source of information in teaching, but also an important factor of spiritual formation and strong stimulus for reading satisfaction of a young human being. Numerous researches (PISA, PIRLS, ALL) warn us that young people today have underdeveloped  reading skills, underdeveloped skill to understand and not sufficiently developed skill of independent working on a text in order to discover important details in it. Text is the reading material which is meant to be read because of enjoying  literature as an art, or it is some kind of help in gaining knowledge, formation of concepts of certain phenomena and processes. Texts typology refers to these two types - literary and non-literary texts. However, both types have more functions in the teaching of language and literature. This paper offers a review of text typology in scientific and professional literature and language teaching methodology. Typical divisions were marked off and a review of research in the country and abroad was also given. The aim of the paper is systematization of the types of texts according to their functions in the teaching of language and literature. The division includes primer texts, reading book texts, lingual-methodical, informative, scientific, instructional, preschool, meaningful-corrective and non-linear texts. All types of texts are considered from the aspect of promoting teaching language and literature in lower primary school grades.


text, types of texts, language teaching, literature teaching, methods of working on a text.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME1703639C


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