Milevica Bojović

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The aims of this study are to determine the meaning of the term blended learning in three different domains, in corporate sector, higher education sector, and in the field of foreign language learning and teaching, and to explore the potential effects of blended learning on the university students’ levels of foreign language reading comprehension. Blended learning is a combination of classroom instruction and information and communication technologies which can improve learning outcomes and save the costs. The reasons for applying blended learning approach in all three domains are presented. The efficient implementation of blended language learning means the optimal use of the learning opportunities and available tools to achieve the optimal language learning environment. The necessary conditions for efficient foreign language learning and the issues that may limit its realization are explored; the factors of efficient blended foreign language learning are presented. The teachers’ and learners’ roles in blended language learning as well as the pathway template for efficient blended language learning are illustrated. The obtained results indicate that blended learning may increase the students’ levels of foreign language reading comprehension more than face-to-face language instruction.


blended learning, foreign language, learner, teacher

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