Александар Мратинковић, Марија Зотовић, Марина Орос, Јована Трбојевић

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The main aim of the conducted research was to evaluate the Nikola Tesla Center (hereandafter NTC) learning system in school settings and to assess its potential advantages over the traditional method of teaching. There were two samples in this research. The first sample consisted of 46 pupils from two classes of the fifth grade, from which one was using the NTC learning system, and the other one traditional forms of teaching. Pupils were tested with the Bond’s logical operation test and academic self-regulation questionnaire. Differences between the two classes were tested using the t-test for independent samples. The results showed that fifth graders who were using the NTC learning system achieved a significantly higher score in the level of formal thinking development. The second sample consisted of 31 pupils from two classes of the first grade - one class was using the NTC system and the other one traditional method of teaching. First graders were tested with the REVISK subscales (vocabulary, understanding and information), short version of academic self-regulation questionnaire, Bender-Gestalt test and divergent thinking test. In this case, using the Mann-Whitney U test (due to the small sample), no significant differences between these two groups were found on intelligence, motivation, visual-motor functioning and divergent thinking. Based on these results the effectiveness of the program in developing formal-operational thinking at age of 11/12 years can be assumed.


NTC, elementary school, BLOT, SRQ, REVISK

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME1704037M


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