Milan Novovic, Aleksandar Gligorijević

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Many creators from different scientific areas believe that we live in the times of postmodernism, which has touched all the pores of social life: art, culture, architecture, music, etc. In doing so, they are trying to describe the time in which we live, which also results in different definitions of postmodernism. It is no rarity that their views are often in conflict with each other. Nevertheless, regardless of all the differences that exist, one thing is certain: in modern conditions there are many attractions that, in addition to their basic purpose of existence, can be found in tourism.

As tourism receives new dimensions at the beginning of the XXI century, in terms of changing its physiognomy from mass to individual, the question arises as to the possibilities of applying different postmodern attractions for tourist purposes? The answer to the question is not simple. On the one hand, there is a postmodern state, in which the critique of absolute truth, identity and traditionalism is dominant, while on the other hand, we have postmodern tourists, with different tastes, desires and demands. The aim of this paper is to try to show where their contact points are and what the future of tourism development is in this regard.


tourism, attractions, postmodernism, development, post tourists.

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