Aleksandra Anđelković, Nada Barac, Marija Radosavljević

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In the modern business environment risk management has become a key assistant to enterprise management. Considering that, supply chain management, as part of enterprise management, cannot ignore the risks and the need for implementation of an adequate risk management strategy. Supply chain, as well as inter-organizational network, is the source of competitive advantage. However, inadequate risk management within a supply chain can lead to interruptions of the chain and to the lack of results at the level of the whole supply chain, as well as at the level of individual partners. Upstream supply chain represents the part of supply chain from suppliers to producer. The objective of this paper is to analyse how and to what extent the structure and the number of partners in this part of the supply chain influence (increase or decrease) supply chain vulnerability. The authors analyse the factors which most commonly affect to upstream supply chain and threaten its functioning. By analysing the supply chains from different area, the authors suggest that the size of the supplier's base can be treated as the resistance factor, but also as a factor of vulnerability.


vulnerability, risk, factors, upstream, supply chain.

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