Јелена Даниловић Јеремић

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Historically speaking, morphology had long figured as a marginal area of applied linguistic research. Its absence was particularly noticeable in teaching curricula and leading scientific journals. The last twenty years have seen a significant change, and morphology is nowadays gaining considerable attention as linguists and teaching practitioners alike are attempting to explore, from various standpoints, the acquisition of morphological processes in children, adults and L2 learners of differing proficiency levels. In line with these tendencies, the aim of this paper is to shed light on the immanent interrelatedness of morphology, specifically derivation, and vocabulary, and present EFL teaching and learning practices which contribute to an improved awareness of English derivational morphology. By drawing on the relevant literature and analyzing teaching materials that focus on derivation, we will try to draw attention to the importance of morphology in the process of English language learning and acquisition, an issue that has hitherto been underemphasized in the Serbian EFL context.


derivation, vocabulary, affixes, teaching, EFL.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME1803801D


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