Dušica Malinić, Ivana Đerić, Jasmina Šefer

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The evaluations by researchers monitoring attitudes towards innovations among teacher groups were analyzed during the process of implementing innovations in one elementary school.  The teachersʼ attitudes towards innovative practice were evaluated from the following perspectives: (1) motivation of teacher groups to grasp and implement knowledge and skills acquired during the intervention,  (2) improvement of teacher groups in the area of knowledge and skills, (3) the role of researchers in enhancing motivation of teacher groups to change their practice, (4) the role of the teacher groups in motivating individuals to change practices (while working on  professional issues). Sixteen researchers/evaluators followed up six teacher groups during the intervention. The researchers had a double role. They were educators on the teacher training course and facilitators in the teacher working groups. A method of structured guided interviews was applied in the case follow up study. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed. The results show that the teacher groups manifested а moderate motivation in each of the following areas: implementing student group work, open ended tasks, creative play, student research activities and critical dialogue in class. After training, teacher skills in implementing the previously mentioned types of activities in class were significantly improved in all areas, but the greatest improvement was in the most unfamiliar area of open-ended tasks. The influence of the researches on the teacher groupsʼ motivation appears to be stronger than the influence of teacher groups on individuals. Suggestions were listed relating to the innovative process in class, from the perspectives of researchers/evaluators.


teachers, researchers, innovative practice in education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME1802341M


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